
Interesting quotes...

These quotes found me as I was doing a SoulCollage interpretation. It's funny how that works...receiving just the right inspiration, confirmation, information or just the right time...

"Work, is love made visible."

~ Kahlil Gibran

"It's become crystal clear to me that work is not my life; my life
is my work."
~Barbara Stahura

The Soul's Wish...

"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her and enters into her own image."

~ Meister Echkart

This is a perfect quote & remembrance for SoulCollage.
All articles on are copyrighted by Cheryl A Finley 2006-2007, unless otherwise noted. Articles may be reprinted by permission only: AcapellaSoul is a facet of My Joy For Life, Inc. , Oak Park, IL