
"Today, I"

This poem was inspired by a cry for help I read today on the June 2nd entry entitled "How I Feel Today" at Kelly Watson's Blog It felt good to declare, and I hope it provides inspiration to her. I also invited her to join the SoulCollage KaleidoSoul community, of where I know she will be welcomed with open arms and encouraged.

Today I declare my SELF!
Today I AM happy
Today I ACCEPT and LOVE mySelf
Today I GIVE the gift of compassion...
..... to mySelf and others
Today I REACH OUT and take someone's hand...
in mine
Today I FEEL the ache of someone else's heart

Today I TAKE TIME to listen encourage, give hope,
.............and send a loving prayer...
.be it by poem
a thought or a smile

Today is a new day!

........ incantation
................and transmutation
This is a monarch butterfly day!
Today I SPROUT my kaleidoscope wings
with the fragrance of be-jeweled colors

Farewell to the catapillar
I THANK YOU for spinning my rainbow wings
...into instruments of beauty and freedom
Now, I INVEST in and HONOR my destiny of beauty
...........and grace
with adoration of my vibrant Soul
Today my butterfly-Self kisses oodles of flowers
and delights many a mortal's heart
This is a day of flirting with bliss
.....and the sky's blue kiss
Today the world is mine
.......of my own making
.......... in my mind's eye
..............and my heart's desire
BELIEVING it "can" be so
Today the world lives in me
This is the day
...I reflect the beauty I see
... in me


Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl,
I am so pleased to be your inspiration - even if it did come from something that is easy to view as negative. I smiled when I read your comment on the post and am excited to be a part of Soul Collage. I can already tell you have a strong and compassionate community there.
Look forward to chatting with you more!

Patricia J. Mosca said...

Today was a PERFECT day!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Today is everyday.

Michael J Russ

Cheryl Finley said...

Pattie, Michael...
Today..."our todays" are beautiful, magical - we get another day to express who we are. I'm glad you shared moments of your "today" with me.


All articles on are copyrighted by Cheryl A Finley 2006-2007, unless otherwise noted. Articles may be reprinted by permission only: AcapellaSoul is a facet of My Joy For Life, Inc. , Oak Park, IL